Message: “Wimp to Warrior” from Kirsten Coulter
A message from the series “Misc.”
Message: “We are a Relational Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “We are an Engaged Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “We are a Discipling Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “Doing good to all” from John McMahon
A message from the series “Misc.”
Message: “Warfare” from Kirsten Coulter
A message from the series “Misc.”
Message: “We are a Faith-Filled Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “We are a Generous Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “We are a Worshipping Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”
Message: “We are a Welcoming Church” from Jonathan Mackwell
A message from the series “Waypoint Values.”