Journey together with jesus
Taken that first step of accepting Jesus? On long journeys we need to pack the essentials whilst getting rid of excess baggage.
Using the acronym
leads us through the following foundations:
– introducing the course and the Bible
– what it means to be a follower of Jesus
– getting started with prayer

– getting started with worship
– knowing who you are in Jesus
– knowing the Holy Spirit

– finding freedom through forgiveness
– learning to use God’s gifts

– finding freedom from any enemy hold

– discover the role and importance of the church
– discover why money is important to God

– knowing our God given purpose for life
Allowing God’s truth to impact all areas of life
Allowing God’s power to transform all areas of life
Course Overview
Created for both 1-to-1 coaching and for small groups
Travel Together
Growing as a disciple of Jesus happens best when we spend time learning together how to know Jesus. Though you can go through it alone, this course is set up to work best in a small group, or with someone who has been journeying with Jesus for longer who can be a bit of a coach.
To explore and apply the Bible for yourself is a key part of this course. There is an introductory story to each step’s theme followed by 3 studies. You may want to work through these yourself or with a friend. These bring some of the key building blocks.
At the end of each step are some group discussion questions. These start with an opportunity to chat through any questions from the studies. Then there’s some further questions and areas to explore more in a group setting, or with your coach.
Action Points
To ground each step is an action point. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is a challenge to apply what has been learnt during the step. Try to hold each other accountable, not only to work through the studies, but also in how you get on with the action points.
This course will help you grow to become a disciple of Jesus. But it will also then help you become a coach, who can also begin walking others through this course. Remember discipleship is the process of becoming a disciple who then disciples others!
Coaches notes
Section at the end of the book to help you learn how to coach others through the course. This Includes good tips on coaching and also main pointers for each step.
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